Sunday, August 19, 2012


Well we are supposed to be closing tomorrow at 9:30am, so let's just pray nothing else goes wrong between then and now.  We have had enough fun surprises!  We do our walk through this evening at 7:30.  I'm a little nervous since I think it was just the man up here to clean it out, and let's be honest men don't clean like women do.  BUT he is in the military and I hear that military men clean better than most, so I guess we'll see lol. 

So our next post should be from our new house and I'll be sure to have some pictures of the house and the boys in that one!  Sorry, no pictures in this one.  I was thinking I would update how the boys are doing though.

Sam has full out conversations now days and he is always saying the most hilarious things.  Toddlers are so entertaining!  And he is still just as sweet as ever- when he isn't throwing a tantrum ;)  During the day he likes to say he misses Daddy, then he continues on through everyone he knows. . . Nana, Grandma, Grandpa, and so on.  He is so excited to get his toys back tomorrow.  I am going to have to take a video of him opening the boxes!!  The other day when he said he missed daddy, I told him tomorrow is the weekend (which we had discussed in the past) and asked him if he remembered what that meant.  He went "hmmmm. . . Daddy home!"  It was cute :)

Noah understands almost everything now.  He doesn't have much interest in trying to actually talk, but he is definitely vocal!  He likes to follow Sam around all day.  When Sam is in the mood to play with him they play great, but other times he still wants Noah to leave him alone since Noah still isn't too great at actually playing anything except tag.  Sam loves to play animals with his little bath animal toys, it's his favorite game.  They are so well behaved at Baby Boot Camp, all the other moms comment on it.  I'm not sure why they are so good there, but it's really nice for me! 

Jason and I are both down about 20 pounds right now, although we've been pretty bad this weekend justifying it since we had such a stressful week and should have already been in our new house, plus have to spend all weekend cleaning this place.  Gotta get back on it when the weekend is over.

We may take the home owners to small claims court when it's all done because it ended up costing us quite a bit to stay here the extra few days.  We are going to ask our attorney about it after the closing.  One piece of good news is the closing costs came out to $2,000 less than we anticipated so that's great and we should have a descent amount of money to put back into the house and/or my studio. 

Well that's all for now, wish us luck today and tomorrow!

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