Thursday, July 26, 2012

30 days

Well we've been in New York for about five weeks and we still like it, so that's a good sign :)  Sorry to report I haven't been as good at taking pictures, I'll try to work on it.  The house is still on track and we should be closing by August 17th if things go as planned, which hopefully they do or we'll be in a hotel for awhile. 

Today was my 30th day of the 30 Day Shred.  We've also been eating healthy and keeping the house clean for over 30 days now.  So I guess if the saying that it takes 30 days to build a habit is true, then we've officially built some good habits!  The last two weeks Jason and I have both only lost 1 pound each, not nearly enough for how ridiculously good we've been.  I blame mine on building muscle since the 30 day shred is a lot of that.  I can tell we both look thinner and I can see all the muscle I've built, but we'll see this weekend how the weigh in fares this time around.  Next month we are going to do Atkins for a week or two and then I am going to do the Advocare 24 day challenge again in hopes of shedding more pounds. 

Sam gashed his lip open one night last week and now has a big canker sore where he cut it, poor guy.  He also had a little flu for a couple days.  I'm glad he's feeling better although I think both the boys are teething, which makes fun days for me :)  On the bright side it seems Noah may finally be sleeping through the night, hooray, that's amazing!  Now if we could just get Sam potty trained, which seems impossible since he still tries not to go poo rather than the opposite.  Sigh.  I'm thinking maybe I should just get him potty trained on the peeing part and see what happens from there ???  Any tips or thoughts are welcome!!!

That's about all that's going on here.  Jason still likes his job a lot and he has actually moved past just training and started working on projects, which is great.  We have been working on re-doing my website so that once I have a studio space we can launch it and I can start doing a few sessions a month.  It is a huge process, but it is going to look fabulous when we're done!!

Well that's about all that's going on in our neck of the woods.  Hopefully I'll have some pictures for you all next time :)


  1. Jill! I love, love, LOVE that you've been updating this blog again. It's so much fun to hear about things in New York. I'm so excited for you and can't wait until we can come visit sometime! I hope everything works out with the house :) Keep posting those cute pictures!

  2. Thanks Reesa, it's always good to know anyone actually reads it, lol :) I know, it will be so fun when you guys come visit! We can do church history sites or Coopersville or NYC. Can't wait!
